Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Next Morning 6:45am Feb. 23rd 2009

We book another night at the backpackers and head to the port which is about two minute away from where we are staying and boarded the 43ft vessel named "Monterrey".The captain's name was "Rob" a Kiwi who had 3 boats in the bay and a deck hand "Courtney" who was from Australia. Two other people were on the boat. A young couple from

To make a long story a little bit shorter, NO we did not get a Marlin but the trip was a success. We got a good buzz with some great people and listened to Clapton on the big sound system while seeing some of the best of the country side. I will have video on facebook soon. We saw two striped marlin  and one blue along the way but no bites. Got some more sun burn even after applying SPF 70+ every hour. Only one out of ten boats in the town Paihia pulled in a marlin that day. A 680 pound blue was caught only about a mile from us. The trip was only supposed to last till 5:00 but he really liked our moral and the love of the game. He kept us trailing for marlin until dark.

I got a large dose of reality while talking to the captain who was a collector of Classic Cars like corvettes. He asked me what was under my hood of my truck. I could only give him the basic information about the motor. He freaked out and couldn't believe that I had no knowledge of what I was driving. He ask how could someone own something and have know knowledge on how it works. Its true how a lot of Americans just care if the car starts and know nothing of how the machine works. It's almost like a "care about what you have" mentality in NZ. Take the time to learn about what you use on a daily basis. He's right!
No fish No worries! That's life.

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